Coach Speakers

Iain Aberdeen

  • Head Coach / Director of Fencing - Newcastle University, Lead Talent Coach - British Shooting. Senior Lecturer in Sports Coaching and Physical Education at Sunderland University.
  • Twitter: @letsfence
  • Talk Title: Insight into team coach/athlete discussions in preparation for major competitions.
Iain is currently a Senior Lecturer in Sports Coaching and Physical Education at Sunderland University. He is also Head Coach and Director of Fencing at Newcastle University as well as Lead Talent Coach for British Shooting, Personal fencing, shooting and modern pentathlon. Furthermore, he is a coach to individual International Athletes.
Iain has over two decades of coaching athletes across fencing, modern pentathlon and shooting including World, European and Commonwealth Championships Gold medallists. He holds qualifications including: UK Sport High Performance Coach, UK Coaching Performance Foundations Programme, sports specific qualifications in pistol shooting, rifle shooting, fencing, swimming, running and laser run.
Iain began his route into coaching through a long term injury faced as an athlete which prevented him training and competing. He was encouraged to stay active within sport by taking up coaching.
Areas of Interest: 
  • Coaching Pedagogy
  • Psychological Skills
  • Performance Environments
  • Skill Acquisition
  • Athlete Development
Research / Presentations: Understand the perception of elite athletes to the physical response of psychological pressure they experience whilst competing in laser run, European Congress of Psychology 2023.
Find Iain at the following accounts: 
  • Instagram: @iainaberdeencoaching
  • LinkedIn: Iain Aberdeen
  • Twitter/X: @letsfence