2014 marks the 22nd birthday of ICRM and we will have with us:
Prof. Evert Gummesson (Academic Keynote), an international pioneer in the fields of service, relationships and qualitative methodology. Evert has published numerous articles, written twenty books and edited or contributed to more than fifty books. He will outline “Relationship Marketing: What it was, What it is, and What it will be.”
Dr. Beverly Wagner (Editorial Keynote), a journal editor and member of several editorial boards of high-impact outlets. She will clearly demonstrate the ways of getting published and how to reach your full writing potential in the session “How to Get Published and What to Avoid.”
Christer Holloman (Practitioner Keynote), who has been named as one of London’s most influential individuals within new media, by the Evening Standard. He was previously the Head of Product Development at the Times & The Sunday Times and is currently setting up a $90m business. His books about social media have become bestsellers. Chris will speak about "Case Studies - The Best Business Use of Social Media Right Now.”

Keynote sponsored by the CIM