Keynote Speakers
Title: What have we learned in 20 years of cryptographic security standards work? by Jon Geater
Bio: Jon Geater is Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer at Jitsuin where he is responsible for technology strategy and Engineering, designing technical and cryptographic solutions for connected infrastructure. He has previously held senior global roles in companies such as nCipher, ARM, Trustonic, and Thales where he has designed leading edge solutions for a wide variety of industries such as mobile, IoT, payments and smart cities. A keen supporter of open standards, he has served as a board director and chair of the Security Task Force at GlobalPlatform, on the Operational Efficiency Committee at Trusted Computing Group, was a founder author of the Key Management Interoperability Protocol (KMIP) at OASIS, and currently serves on the governing board of the Linux Foundation's blockchain project, Hyperledger.
Title: Standardization in Blockchains by Sarah Meiklejohn
Bio: Sarah Meiklejohn is an Associate Professor in Cryptography and Security at University College London. She has broad research interests in computer security and cryptography, and works on topics such as anonymity in cryptocurrencies, privacy-enhancing technologies, and bringing transparency to shared systems. She has a PhD in Computer Science from the University of California, San Diego, and an MSc in Computer Science and BSc in Mathematics, both from Brown University.