Newcastle University Business School is one of the largest schools in Newcastle University, one of the UK’s leading civic universities.
Our mission is to provide all stakeholders with new, global perspectives and the inspiration to contribute to the responsible and ethical shaping of society. There is a natural fit with the Colloquium, which emphasises relationships in various environments.
This year, we will emphasise three critical areas with regards to Relationship Marketing:
The top three contributions (full papers) that are embedded in a supply chain setting will be reviewed by “Supply Chain Management – An International Journal”.
Please indicate that you would like to be considered for review when submitting your paper. The Impact Factor is 1.684, the highest of all Emerald journals, and it is ranked 3* by the International Guide to Academic Journal Quality, formerly known as the Association of Business Schools (ABS) Academic Journal Quality Guide.
Peer review, citation statistics and editorial judgments ensure the highest level of journal evaluation.
The Technological Forecasting and Social Change journal has issued a call for papers for 2015 on ‘Agrifood Security and Technological Change’. The topic includes aspects of sustainability and consumption. This high-ranked journal has an ABS 3* recognition, with an impact factor of 2.106 (5-year impact factor: 2.635). The submission date is not yet confirmed, but full papers will be due in early 2015. Given the fit with the sustainability and consumption theme of ICRM in September, the editors will consider papers from the ICRM for a special edition.