
We've been delighted to receive the following feedback on the full Commercialise Without Compromise programme.

"I am pushing myself into spheres that I felt I would never go to such as online visibility, networking, talking with random people, as everyone on the course helped me to feel at ease and I feel that I found the most needed "initial connection" with the "outside world".
"I've had the confidence to book a couple of fairs instead of hiding in my studio hoping someone will buy from me online."
"I've plugged it to everyone! Inspiring, thought provoking, well structured, relevant, supportive, interesting, challenging..."
"Supportive, reflective, useful. You listen to our needs and are very reactive to where we are at despite many of us being at different stages of our process"
"So very useful for new business, I wish I had done this early days, so many mistakes would have been avoided!"
"A comprehensive programme on small business skills tailored for creative practitioners, delivered with warmth, expertise and understanding."
"A great boost to your creative business where you learn many skills and techniques that you will use for rest of your life. Experts really help you to understand and use business practices that any business need to know to survive nowadays."       
"A really practical programme  - with space to experiment, learn by doing and try things and ask questions. And a supportive environment [amongst] the hosts and the participants. A quick way to have a growth spurt. Thank you!"