
Berekmeri PDF 125Kb

Noninvasive diagnostic approaches for psoriasis and lupus erythematosus

Anna Berekmeri1,2*, Mohammad Shalbaf1*, Adewonuola Alase1, Yuzaiful MD Yusof1,2, Tom Macleod3, Mark Goodfield4, Philip Laws4, Philip Helliwell5, Natalia V. Botchkareva6, Edward M. Vital1,2, Martin Stacey3, Miriam Wittmann1,2

1LeedsInstitute of Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal Medicine, University of Leeds; 2NIHR Leeds Biomedical Research Centre, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust; 3 Faculty of Biological Sciences, School of Molecular and Cellular Biology, University of Leeds; 4 Department of Dermatology, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust; 5 Bradford Teaching Hospitals Foundation Trust; 6 Centre for Skin Sciences, University of Bradford

*equal contribution

Adewonuola Alase to present