14:00 The end of the old fashioned lecture theatre

Passed their sell-by-date: the end of the old fashioned lecture theatre? @ 2pm - 3pm in the Bamburgh Room

Kate Reader (Head of the Learning Spaces team)

The Learning Spaces team at City University London specialize in the physical spaces and technologies that support face to face teaching.  The team work collaboratively with the architects, Estates, Properties and Facilities and the AV and IT departments as well as students and academic staff to ensure that the redevelopment of the university campus includes modern teaching and learning spaces that promote active learning and enable staff and students to utilize cutting edge technology in the classroom.  The team also explore, support and evaluate emerging pedegogies, and the technologies that support these, such as the flipped classroom model, mobile devices and the use of augmented reality on the campus. 

This talk explores the shift towards active learning in UK higher education institutions, the motivations for this shift, and the implementation and evaluation of emerging classroom technologies that support and enable the development of new ways of learning and teaching in HE.