Carlo Barenghi: Lecture
Kolmogorov and Vinen regimes of quantum turbulence
Quantum fluids such as superfluid liquid helium and atomic Bose-Einstein condensates have two remarkable properties: superfluidity and the quantised nature of the vorticity. From the point of view of the hydrodynamics, the second property is perhaps the most striking, and it opens new geometrical and topological insights into turbulent motion. In this talk I shall review the evidence for two distinct regimes of quantum turbulence which have been observed in experiments and numerical simulations of liquid helium and cold atomic gases: the "Kolmogorov" regime and the "Vinen" regime. The first shares important properties with ordinary turbulence, the second is more like a random flow. Despite the great difference of length/time scales and experimental techniques, these systems are ruled by the same physics: the dynamics of vortex lines and their reconnections.