BSA Basic Auditory Science 2018
Monday 3rd and Tuesday 4th of September
The Millenium Bridge by night, the Swing Bridge over the River Tyne by night, The Grade I Listed Black Gate built in 1247
We look forward to welcoming you to exciting and vibrant Newcastle for this year’s BSA Basic Auditory Science meeting. The conference book containing all the information you need regarding the BAS 2018 is now available to download:
PDF 1,968Kb

This conference book contains all the information you need to get the best possible experience at the BAS 2018, if at any point you require assistance please don’t hesitate to ask a member of the organising committee.
You will be provided with your own hard copy of the book during registration.
The meeting follows in the tradition of previous meetings, with a single poster session over two days and two afternoons of short talks. Abstracts will be accepted for experimental studies covering any aspect of hearing and hearing disorders - from cells to cognition.
This unique conference provides an excellent networking opportunity for auditory scientists in the UK and beyond, and is an excellent platform for early career researchers to present their work. There is a discount registration rate for students and prizes for the best early career presentations generously supported by Phonak, part of Sonova AG.
We are delighted to announce the return of the Ted Evans Lecture to the BSA 2018 at this year’s BAS meeting which will be given at by Professor Andrew J. King, FMedSci, FRS on Tuesday 4th September, generously supported by the GN Store Nord Foundation
Newcastle, ‘jewel of the North', is an exciting city to visit, and the meeting takes place in the final week of the Great Exhibition of the North, this provides you with the exciting possibility to experience this unique and vibrant city in its fullness. Explore the city’s ancient roots, wander through the castle keep or see the modern art exhibitions in the Baltic or learn more about the origins of life in the Centre for Life, Newcastle has it all and more.
The registration fee includes a conference dinner at Newcastle’s Georgian Assembly Rooms, as well as all lunch and refreshments at the meeting. Accommodation is in a nearby hotel where we have negotiated discounted rates. These pages should provide you with all the information you need to know to submit an abstract, register for the meeting and book your accommodation. The deadline for receipt of abstracts is 27th July 2018.
We do hope that you will be able to join us, and we extend a particular welcome to anyone who hasn’t attended one of the previous meetings in the series.
If you have any queries or need any further information, please contact us at You will also be able follow updates on Twitter at @BAS_Newcastle.
Noo howay, divvin' be shy bairns, get yer abstracts soobmitted an yer selves doon to the Toon!
Please note that registering for the conference and booking the accommodation require two separate actions.
The river Tyne by day, The Grade I Listed Grainger Market, built in 1835, The River Tyne by night, Anthony Gormley's iconic Angel of the North sculpture.