Conference Programme

Day 1 - 10th November 2016

Venue: Newcastle United Football Club



08:30 - 09:00


09:00 - 09:30

Open and Welcome

09:30 - 10:00

Keynote (Lars Carlsson – Wind Ship Technology Ltd)

Data Analysis and Energy Efficiency 1

10:00 - 10:20

Estimating ship performance following energy efficiency interventions using in-service data

 (Bonello, Jean-Marc; Smith, Tristan); UCL - UK

10:20 - 10:40

Fuel consumption monitoring in fishing vessels and its potential for different stakeholders

(Oihane C. Basurko, Gorka Gabiña, Iñaki Quincoces); AZTI - Spain

10:40 - 11:00

Voyage Optimisation towards Energy Efficient Ship Operations

(T. Cui, R. Lu, B. Howett, M. Y. Kim, Y. K. Demirel, O. Turan, S. Day and A. Incecik); University of Strathclyde - UK

11:00 - 11:20

Coffee Break

Data Analysis and Modelling

11:20 - 11:40

A pollutant emission model for ships and its application in air quality modelling

(Armin Aulinger); Institute of Coastal Research (HZG) – Hamburg, Germany

11:40 - 12:00

Evolution of Global Maritime Freight Energy Demand and CO2 Emissions: A BAU and 2DS Scenario

 (R. Schuitmaker); Universiteit Utrecht - Netherlands

12:00  - 12:20

Utilising real-time ship data to save fuel consumption and reduce carbon emission

(Ibna Zaman, Kayvan Pazouki, Rose Norman, Shirley Coleman); University of Newcastle - UK

12:20   12:40

CO2 emission monitoring and fault-detection based on real navigation data

(D. Bocchetti., A. Lepore., B. Palumbo, L. Vitiello, C. Capezza); University of Naples "Federico II" - Italy

12:40   13:00

Investigating the energy efficiency gap in shipping

(Nishatabbas Rehmatulla, Solmaz Haji Hosseinloo, John Calleya and  Tristan Smith); UCL - UK

13:00   14:20


Powering and propulsion systems for energy efficiency 1

14:20  14:40

WASPP: Wind Assisted Ship Performance Prediction

(B. Howett, O. Turan and AH. Day); University of Strathclyde - UK

14:40   15:00

SilverstreamTM System –Air Lubrication Performance Verification and Design Development

(Noah Silberschmidt, Dominic Tasker, Takis Pappas and Johannes Johannesson); Silverstream Technologies - London, UK

15:00   15:20

Sensitivity analysis on the prediction of maximum permitted wave height

(Mizythras, P., Boulougouris, E., Devalapalli, R., Priftis, A., Incecik, A., Turan, O.); University of Strathclyde - UK

15:20   15:40

Designing future ships and marine systems for future operating conditions with a low Carbon Intensity

(John Calleya); UCL - UK

15:40   16:00

Coffee Break

Design and technologies

16:00   16:20

Geared Electric Propulsion

(John Buckingham); BMT - UK

16:20   16:40

Power Marine Propulsion Using Battery Power

(Peng Wu and Richard Bucknall); UCL - UK

16:40   17:00

Numerical Simulations on Ship Added Resistance in Waves

(Mingyu Kim, Osman Turan and Atilla Incecik); University of Strathclyde - UK

19:00   23:00

Reception and Dinner

Copthorne Hotel


Day 2 - 11th November 2016

Venue: Newcastle United Football Club



08:30 - 09:00


09:00   09:30

Keynote (David Connolly – Shipping & Management Technology)

Data Analysis and Energy Efficiency 2

09:30   09:50

Systematic Efficient Ship Energy Audit and Data Unification

(Serena Lim, Kayvan Pazouki and Alan J Murphy); University of Newcastle - UK

09:50   10:10

Novel approach for holistic environmental assessment of ships

(Martin Gibson, Kayvan Pazouki, Alan J. Murphy and David Trodden); University of Newcastle - UK  

10:10   10:30

A holistic methodology for the driven simulation optimisation of the design large bulk carriers under uncertainty

(Lampros Nikolopoulos and Evangelos Boulougouris); University of Strathclyde - UK

10:30   10:50

EU Funded Project under LIFE Programme: CLean INland SHipping (CLINSH)

Leeuwen, IWM, van - Netherlands

10:50   11:10

Coffee Break

Marine fuels and climate change scenarios

11:10   11:30

Comparing the lifecycle emissions of marine fuels

(Conor Walsh, Paul Gilbert, Uchenna Kesieme, Kayvan Pazouki, Alan Murphy); University of Manchester – UK

11:30   11:50

The potential role of electrofuels as marine fuel: a cost-effective option for the future shipping sector?

(Julia Hansson, Maria Grahn, Selma Brynolf, Maria Taljegård, Karin Andersson); Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg – Sweden

11:50   12:10

How may climate change mitigation and adaptation impact on production of key commodities, and how may this influence trade?

(Sarah Mander, Conor Walsh, Nicolas Lazarou, Paolo Agnolucci and Alice Larkin); University of Manchester – UK

12:10   12:30

Bunker levy schemes and their impact on the competitiveness of short sea shipping

(Vasileios Kosmas and Michele Acciaro); Kühne Logistics University - Hamburg, Germany

12:30   12:50

Report from the lookout – understanding climate change impacts on shipping

(Michael Traut); University of Manchester – UK

12:50   14:00


Performance monitoring and indices

14:00   14:10

Implications of the Paris Agreement for shipping

(Solmaz Haji Hosseinloo & Tristan Smith); UCL - UK

14:10   14:20

The promise and limits of private standards to reduce GHG emissions from shipping

(Joanne Scott); UCL - UK

14:20   14:30

The potential of unilateral and plurilateral policy action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from international shipping

(Ben Milligan & Julia Schaumeier); UCL - UK

14:30   14:40

Revealed preferences for energy efficiency in shipping: Implications for policy

(Vishnu Prakash & Nishatabbas Rehmatulla)

14:40   15:20

Panel Discussion

15:20   15:40

Closing Speech and Coffee Break