
The Future Horizons of Naval Structures Symposium (FHSS) is a premier gathering that serves as a beacon for experts involved in the cutting-edge research and application of marine structural engineering. This symposium is designed to propel forward the understanding of disciplines crucial to the design, production, and operation of naval structures through global collaborative efforts.

The symposium encompasses a broad spectrum of marine structures, including ships, offshore platforms, and other vital marine constructs essential for transportation, exploration, and the sustainable exploitation of oceanic resources. This event is the cornerstone for fostering international collaboration, sharing innovative ideas, and shaping the future of naval engineering.


  • Review of Ongoing Research: To critically evaluate ongoing research and facilitate the dissemination of cutting-edge findings from recent studies.
  • Identification of Future Research Needs: To pinpoint areas that necessitate future investigation, underscoring the symposium's commitment to pioneering advancements in the field.
  • Design and Operational Enhancements: To recommend enhancements in design, production, and operational procedures, ensuring the continual evolution of naval structures.