
The following is a basic outline of the conference program. A detailed program can be downloaded below.

Weds 15 June

Registration desk opens at 13.00.

13:30-13:45. Opening Remarks

13:45-14:45. Session 1

15:15-17:15. Keynote Address

17:30. Reception hosted by the School of History, Classics & Archaeology

Thurs 16 June

9:30-11:00. Session 2

11:30-13:00. Session 3

14:00-15:30. Session 4

16:00-17:00. Keynote Address

18:00. Conference dinner (for those who have pre-bookedl)

Fri 17 June

9:30-11:00. Session 5

11:30-12:30. Keynote Address

13:30. Close of Conference

14:00. Guided expert excursion to Hadrian's Wall (for those woh have pre-booked)

Conference Program PDF 223Kb

A program for the conference can be downloaded here, though some timings may be subject to change.