Newcastle Experimental Economics Workshop

We are happy to announce the 2024 Newcastle Experimental Economics Workshop following the success of the last two years. The workshop will be held on 7th and 8th November 2024 at Newcastle University, UK. The focus of the workshop will be on experimental research in economics, the psychology of decision making, and applications to, for example, environment and health.

We are planning for a small-scale in-person workshop. Thanks to generous support from Newcastle University Business School, there will be no registration fee for participants selected to present (unfortunately we are unable to cover travel expenses).

We are pleased to announce two excellent keynote speakers:
Carlos Alós-Ferrer (Lancaster University)
Dorothea Kübler (WZB Berlin Social Science Center)

The deadline for the submission of full research papers is 12 September 2024, with acceptance decisions expected 7-10 days later. Please submit your paper here.

If you have any questions regarding the workshop, please email us at:

We look forward to welcoming you to Newcastle!

Keynote speakers

Carlos Alós-Ferrer is Chair Professor of Economics at Lancaster University Management School, and Co-Editor in Chief of the Journal of Economic Psychology. He is an interdisciplinary researcher between (micro)economics, psychology, and (decision) neuroscience. His research focuses on understanding and improving human economic decisions, ranging from decisions under risk to strategic decisions (game theory) and voting. His expertise comprises decision neuroscience ("neuroeconomics"), behavioural experiments, and mathematical modelling. Additionally, Carlos maintains a "Decisions and the Brain" blog at Psychology Today, a personal blog at WordPress, and co-organizes the Economic Psychology Seminar of the IAREP.

Dorothea Kübler is the director of the department "Market Behavior" at the WZB and a professor of Economics at the Technische Universität Berlin. Her research uses experimental methods and game theory to examine decision-making and market design. In recent years, her work has concentrated on the design of matching markets, such as the centralized procedure for awarding places at universities in Germany. She also studies the influence of social and moral norms on behaviour, as well as educational choices, discrimination, and the role of AI in the labour market. In 2020 Dorothea Kübler was awarded the Schader Prize and in 2023 a prize from the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences (BBAW).