
We want our symposium to be as accessible as possible. As a result, we will not be charging any registration fees. However, you will still be responsible for registering prior to the symposium to reserve your space and confirm your intention to attend. For those attending in person, you will only need to pay for an optional symposium dinner (more details under the "travel information" tab of our website).

Please note that due to limited capacity in the rooms we need to run this event, we are only currently accepting registration for online attendance. You can access the form for online attendance at the symposium here. If you would like to attend in person, please email the organizing team at If space is available, we will help process your registration. 

Registration will close on 30 June 2023.

For a detailed overview of the symposium, please download our programme at ICLS2023 Programme (19 July Update). A Chinese version of the programme can be accessed at ICLS2023 Programme (Chinese Version)‌.

For those attending online, a web version of our programme with Zoom links can be accessed at ICLS2023 Programme (Web Version).