
See Gallery for pictures of our events this week! Here's what we put on:

Saturday 22nd February

Beach-cleaning from Cullercoats to Tynemouth  Organised by Kasim Shariff ( and Surfers against Sewage in association with the Beach-Cleaning Society - 25 of us collected over 50kg of rubbish!

Tuesday 25th February

Stand-up comedy set by climate scientist Matt Winning author of 'Hot Mess'. A funny and stimulating event, attended by around 250 people!  On YouTube for a few days:  Matt Winning talk

Wednesday 26th February - three student-led talks ( see Join a group ) and a great film:

Carbon Capture in Soils: The Answer to Limiting Climate Change is Under Our Feet  Talk about the science, and about an unusual career path, by a member of One Planet. More info: Marron talk

 Environment and Earth Society: talk and discussion on climate anxiety and green careers. Look at the slides and links here: Env and Earth

Plant-Based Universities: talk and discussion about their campaigns and plans for this year. Slides and links here: PBU

Film: '2040' A documentary by Damon Gameau: ‘2040 maps out a pathway for change that can lead us to a more ecologically sustainable and equitable future.’