Hope not Heat - February 2025
Climate change, man-made, is happening now, not just a threat in the future. Governments, industry and individuals are taking action to mitigate the effects of CO2 and methane emissions and deforestation, but it could be too little, too late. Elected governments are cautious about stronger action as they fear their voters aren’t fully supportive of the necessary changes, but the sooner action is taken, the lower the final costs will be.
Nonetheless, much is being done, and some trends are in the ‘right’ direction (see e.g. Hannah Ritchie).
Let’s not give up hope! What can we do? On Tuesday 25th and Wednesday 26th February, things are happening!
Hope not Heat 2025 features some unusual and optimistic events – a comedy act, a film and more! To raise your hopes and get involved, see the Programme and the Get involved pages!