Day Trips
Day Trips
Confirmation of day trips and further details coming soon. Day trips may only run if minimum number of 15 are met.
- Half Day - Facilities tour – Blyth Marine Station, University Research Vessel and Dove Marine Laboratory at Cullercoats
- Full Day - Alnwick gardens and Castle
- Full Day - Farne Islands
- Half Day - Cullercoats Bikes and Kayaks canoe trip
Coach Trip to Alnwick Castle and Garden. (Full Day)
Cullercoats Bike & Kayak are specialists in rentals, tours, and lessons. They know this coast better than anyone else. So choose how you want to see the seaside, find out what's available and let us help book your Cullercoats coast adventure. (Half Day) Delegate must make their own way to the coast. This can be done easily by hoppoing on the Tyne and Wear Metro, only 30 mins from Newcastle City Centre.
Please register and pay for the Conference through our Newcastle University Webstore:
(Card payments only)
Please click through to 'Optional Extras and Additional Activities' to include payment for Day Trips