Newcastle and Northumbria Universities are coming together in 2015 to jointly host the British Society of Gerontology’s (BSG) annual conference. The conference theme is Ageing in changing times: challenges and future prospects, and will be held in Northumbria University's Business School, Newcastle upon Tyne, North East England, from 1-3 July 2015.The conference sub-themes are:
The BSG annual conference provides an excellent opportunity to bring together leading experts, established and emerging researchers to exchange ideas alongside policy-makers, practitioners and older people to enhance knowledge about ageing and later life.
Conference delegates number between 300 and 400 and attend from all corners of the globe. Delegates include researchers, practitioners, educators, policy-makers, students and older people from the social and behavioural sciences; humanities; medicine; health; housing; social care; nursing; policy arenas and voluntary agencies.