On Friday 22nd September 2017 we are hosting a one day inter-professional conference on technology enhanced learning (TEL) with a difference...
In 2017, it seems TEL is everywhere in medical education. For educators with an interest and enthusiasm for TEL (like us) this is great! But we’re mindful that not all technology that glitters is gold. We want to highlight some of the more contentious and potentially hazardous aspects of TEL, which we’ve christened the ‘Dark Side’ of technology in medical education. The aim of the conference is to expose and share these unexplored and potentially prickly issues. We think sharing these will be an invaluable source of learning for both medical educators and learners. We hope that shedding light on the ‘dark side’ will help educators to develop a deeper, more balanced understanding of the risks and benefits of the technology, and that they will then be able to employ TEL in their teaching more judiciously.
Who should come:
- Medical and Healthcare Educators;
- Healthcare Professionals;
- Students;
- Content Developers;
- Learning Technologists.
We hope you’re able to join us for the conference - updates coming soon, so please revisit this website for more details.
Want to get in touch?
E-mail: thedarksideofTEL@gmail.com
Twitter: @DarkSideofTEL #darksideofTEL